Assessment and Diagnosis

The assessment and diagnosis of autism is complex and so are the emotions and issues that arise with it.

Preventive Medicine for a Lifetime of Health

In this section we look at the practical aspects of what is involved in the diagnostic process, what to expect and how to ensure that you are receiving the best assessments possible and from the right professionals. There’s also advice from parents and professionals on dealing with emotions and big questions like whether to tell people and how to deal with their reactions.

Commonly a multidisciplinary team will include a paediatrician (or child and adolescent psychiatrist),but other health professionals may provide input if required.

A single health professional may be able to diagnose a child with obvious signs of autism. A team approach is necessary for children with less clear symptoms or who have other conditions that make the diagnosis more complicated.

Steps in Diagnosing Autism at AACARE

1. Initial Consultation and Referral

  • Parent or Caregiver Concerns: The process often begins with concerns raised by parents, caregivers, or educators about a child’s developmental milestones, behavior, or communication skills.
  • Referral: Based on initial concerns, a referral may be made to our autism diagnostic team, which includes pediatricians, psychologists, and speech therapists.

2. Comprehensive Developmental History

  • Family Interview: We conduct detailed interviews with parents or caregivers to gather information about the child’s developmental history, including prenatal and perinatal factors, early milestones, and behavioral patterns.
  • Developmental Milestones: We review the child’s developmental milestones, including communication, social interactions, motor skills, and adaptive behaviors, to understand their growth trajectory.

3. Standardized Assessment Tools

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS): We use the ADOS, a structured observational assessment, to evaluate social communication, play, and repetitive behaviors through various activities and interactions.
  • Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R): This comprehensive interview tool assesses communication, social interaction, and repetitive behaviors by gathering detailed information from parents or caregivers.

4. Behavioral and Psychological Evaluation

  • Clinical Observation: Our professionals observe the child in different settings to assess behaviors, social interactions, communication skills, and responses to various stimuli.
  • Cognitive and Psychological Testing: We conduct tests to evaluate cognitive abilities, including problem-solving skills, memory, and attention. These tests help in understanding the child’s cognitive profile and ruling out other conditions.

5. Speech and Language Assessment

  • Communication Skills Evaluation: Speech therapists assess the child’s speech and language abilities, including expressive and receptive language skills, articulation, and social communication.
  • Functional Communication Assessment: We evaluate how well the child uses language to communicate needs, interact with others, and understand social cues.

6. Medical Evaluation

  • Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination is conducted to rule out other medical conditions that might affect developmental or behavioral functioning.
  • Genetic and Neurological Testing: In some cases, additional tests such as genetic screening or neurological assessments may be performed to identify any underlying medical or genetic conditions.

7. Integration of Findings

  • Multidisciplinary Team Review: Our team of professionals, including pediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, reviews all assessment findings and observations.
  • Diagnosis Formulation: Based on the integrated findings from assessments, observations, and interviews, we formulate a diagnosis according to established criteria, such as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).

8. Feedback and Recommendations

  • Diagnosis Communication: We provide a clear explanation of the diagnosis to the parents or caregivers, including the specific characteristics of autism observed in the child.
  • Individualized Recommendations: We offer recommendations for interventions, therapies, and support services tailored to the child’s needs. This includes developing an individualized treatment plan that addresses specific areas of development.

9. Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

  • Treatment Planning: We collaborate with families to create a comprehensive treatment plan that includes behavioral therapies, speech and language therapy, and educational support.
  • Regular Follow-Up: We schedule regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress, adjust the treatment plan as needed, and provide continued support and guidance.

By following these thorough and systematic steps, AACARE professionals ensure a precise and well-rounded diagnosis of autism, paving the way for effective and personalized intervention strategies.

Our specialist in
Assessment and Diagnosis

Dr. Jennifer Smith

Veterinarian and Clinic Director
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